Fire safety signage is a key component of your fire strategy, as they help keep visitors, employees and guests informed during an emergency evacuation. While fire safety signs are only one part of your fire strategy, they are still critical as they display what route needs to be taken during the event of an emergency.

This blog post will explain the importance of fire safety signs in commercial properties and how they can provide peace of mind to visitors, employees and guests.


The first important element of fire safety signs revolves around guiding those inside to an area of safety during an emergency. Fire safety signage will show people the way to safety clearly, precisely, and in an easy to understand manner.

There are different fire safety signs available that illustrate the way out depending on the fire exit and more. For example, you can have photoluminescent fire safety signs, different sizes or signs depicting different directions and accessibility.

Instructions for Emergency Services

Fire safety signs are not just useful for employees or visitors to your commercial property; they are also important as they can provide guidance to the emergency services if they are needed.

Keep Calm

During the event of an emergency, people may start to panic and lose focus. Fire safety signs are a prompt, especially for employees who have had fire safety training, that they need to follow a certain route to safety. Fire safety signs can provide comfort, a beacon of sorts, showing the way out of a dangerous situation.

Unfamiliar Route

However, fire safety signs do not just benefit employees, as this signage provides clear instructions to those unfamiliar with the area and who have not had formal fire safety training. The clear, concise and easy to understand signs will show guests and visitors the way out safely.

Management of Fire Safety

As mentioned, fire safety signage is only one component of a fire strategy. Many more critical areas need to be assessed to increase the safety of those in your commercial property. Our team of professionals are happy to develop a fire strategy for you, which encompasses all areas of fire safety, including emergency lighting, evacuation strategy, fire compartmentation and more.

You can contact us today, and we will happily answer any questions and arrange a service booking for you.