Hello, and welcome to our newly established website. We might be a new site, but we have over 30 years of fire safety experience under our belts! In fact, our founding director is a highly praised and respected figure in the healthcare sector for delivering fire engineering solutions and advice.

Of course, our founding director couldn’t do this alone, which is why he put together a team of professional and experienced team players. From fire safety consultants to fire engineers and a respected administrator, the Fire Safety Partnership team is ready to help you!

So, what can you expect from an experienced team like ourselves? Well, let’s jump into this introductory news article with some facts about us.

Advice and Solutions

We can’t keep all of our experience and knowledge to ourselves, which is why we created a news page to share our advice, tips and expertise with you. Our aim is to provide you with relevant industry news to ensure that your building and tenants are safe. We also want to make you aware of any new regulations, and fire safety procedures you need to carry out.


We couldn’t have a welcome article without mentioning what we can do for you. We have several services that can help with your safety, including:

  • Healthcare estate project subject.
  • Compartmentation surveys.
  • Dangerous substances explosive atmospheres assessments.
  • Fire strategies.
  • Landlord fire risk assessments.
  • And more.

We have services that will suit the needs of many, but the important element of them all is you. Our team of engineers and consultants talk to you to establish what you need, and we talk about the issues we have identified. You will never be left out of the loop with us.

Contact Our Team

We want to end this welcome post with a positive message by saying that we are only a phone call, email or form away. You can contact a member of our experienced team at Fire Safety Partnership, and we will happily assist you in any way we can.

Our aim is to make your building safer for your tenants and you, but we can only do that if you make the first move. So, contact us today and let’s make your building safer.